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Obtain country data matching language first one or more letters


  name = c("asia", "europe", "africa", "north america", "south america", "oceania"),
  full.list = TRUE



name of continent


whether to return only name of country or full list


country data list matching continent


Note that choices for names of continent includes 'asia','europe','africa','north america','south america','oceania'


# task 1: get only names of countries that contains with "africa" or "AFrica"
# note that the search in case-insensitive
byContinent("africa", full.list = FALSE)
#>  [1] "Algeria"                  "Angola"                  
#>  [3] "Benin"                    "Botswana"                
#>  [5] "Burkina Faso"             "Burundi"                 
#>  [7] "Cape Verde"               "Cameroon"                
#>  [9] "Central African Republic" "Chad"                    
#> [11] "Comoros"                  "DR Congo"                
#> [13] "Congo"                    "Côte d'Ivoire"           
#> [15] "Djibouti"                 "Egypt"                   
#> [17] "Equatorial Guinea"        "Eritrea"                 
#> [19] "Eswatini"                 "Ethiopia"                
#> [21] "Gabon"                    "Gambia"                  
#> [23] "Ghana"                    "Guinea"                  
#> [25] "Guinea-Bissau"            "Kenya"                   
#> [27] "Lesotho"                  "Liberia"                 
#> [29] "Libya"                    "Madagascar"              
#> [31] "Malawi"                   "Mali"                    
#> [33] "Mauritania"               "Mauritius"               
#> [35] "Morocco"                  "Mozambique"              
#> [37] "Namibia"                  "Niger"                   
#> [39] "Nigeria"                  "Rwanda"                  
#> [41] "Saint Helena"             "Sao Tome & Principe"     
#> [43] "Senegal"                  "Seychelles"              
#> [45] "Sierra Leone"             "Somalia"                 
#> [47] "South Africa"             "South Sudan"             
#> [49] "Sudan"                    "Tanzania"                
#> [51] "Togo"                     "Tunisia"                 
#> [53] "Uganda"                   "Zambia"                  
#> [55] "Zimbabwe"                

# task 2: get only names of countries that contains with "ASIA" or "asia"
byContinent("asia", full.list = FALSE)
#>  [1] "Afghanistan"          "Armenia"              "Azerbaijan"          
#>  [4] "Bahrain"              "Bangladesh"           "Bhutan"              
#>  [7] "Brunei"               "Cambodia"             "China"               
#> [10] "East Timor"           "Georgia"              "Hong Kong"           
#> [13] "India"                "Indonesia"            "Iran"                
#> [16] "Iraq"                 "Israel"               "Japan"               
#> [19] "Jordan"               "Kazakhstan"           "Kuwait"              
#> [22] "Kyrgyzstan"           "Laos"                 "Lebanon"             
#> [25] "Macau"                "Malaysia"             "Maldives"            
#> [28] "Mongolia"             "Myanmar"              "Nepal"               
#> [31] "North Korea"          "Oman"                 "Pakistan"            
#> [34] "Philippines"          "Qatar"                "Russia"              
#> [37] "Saudi Arabia"         "Singapore"            "South Korea"         
#> [40] "Sri Lanka"            "Palestine"            "Syria"               
#> [43] "Taiwan"               "Tajikistan"           "Thailand"            
#> [46] "Turkey"               "Turkmenistan"         "United Arab Emirates"
#> [49] "Uzbekistan"           "Vietnam"              "Yemen"               

# task 3: repeat task 2, but return full list for each country
byContinent("europe", full.list = TRUE)
#> $`1`
#>      name continent
#> 2 Albania    Europe
#> $`2`
#>      name continent
#> 4 Andorra    Europe
#> $`3`
#>       name continent
#> 10 Austria    Europe
#> $`4`
#>       name continent
#> 17 Belarus    Europe
#> $`5`
#>       name continent
#> 18 Belgium    Europe
#> $`6`
#>                      name continent
#> 23 Bosnia and Herzegovina    Europe
#> $`7`
#>        name continent
#> 27 Bulgaria    Europe
#> $`8`
#>       name continent
#> 44 Croatia    Europe
#> $`9`
#>      name continent
#> 46 Cyprus    Europe
#> $`10`
#>              name continent
#> 47 Czech Republic    Europe
#> $`11`
#>       name continent
#> 48 Denmark    Europe
#> $`12`
#>       name continent
#> 58 Estonia    Europe
#> $`13`
#>              name continent
#> 61 Faeroe Islands    Europe
#> $`14`
#>       name continent
#> 64 Finland    Europe
#> $`15`
#>      name continent
#> 65 France    Europe
#> $`16`
#>       name     continent
#> 68 Georgia Europe & Asia
#> $`17`
#>       name continent
#> 69 Germany    Europe
#> $`18`
#>         name continent
#> 71 Gibraltar    Europe
#> $`19`
#>      name continent
#> 72 Greece    Europe
#> $`20`
#>       name continent
#> 81 Hungary    Europe
#> $`21`
#>       name continent
#> 82 Iceland    Europe
#> $`22`
#>       name continent
#> 87 Ireland    Europe
#> $`23`
#>           name continent
#> 88 Isle of Man    Europe
#> $`24`
#>     name continent
#> 90 Italy    Europe
#> $`25`
#>      name continent
#> 96 Kosovo    Europe
#> $`26`
#>       name continent
#> 100 Latvia    Europe
#> $`27`
#>              name continent
#> 105 Liechtenstein    Europe
#> $`28`
#>          name continent
#> 106 Lithuania    Europe
#> $`29`
#>           name continent
#> 107 Luxembourg    Europe
#> $`30`
#>      name continent
#> 114 Malta    Europe
#> $`31`
#>        name continent
#> 118 Moldova    Europe
#> $`32`
#>       name continent
#> 119 Monaco    Europe
#> $`33`
#>           name continent
#> 121 Montenegro    Europe
#> $`34`
#>            name continent
#> 127 Netherlands    Europe
#> $`35`
#>                name continent
#> 133 North Macedonia    Europe
#> $`36`
#>       name continent
#> 134 Norway    Europe
#> $`37`
#>       name continent
#> 141 Poland    Europe
#> $`38`
#>         name continent
#> 142 Portugal    Europe
#> $`39`
#>        name continent
#> 144 Romania    Europe
#> $`40`
#>       name     continent
#> 145 Russia Europe & Asia
#> $`41`
#>           name continent
#> 151 San Marino    Europe
#> $`42`
#>       name continent
#> 155 Serbia    Europe
#> $`43`
#>         name continent
#> 159 Slovakia    Europe
#> $`44`
#>         name continent
#> 160 Slovenia    Europe
#> $`45`
#>      name continent
#> 165 Spain    Europe
#> $`46`
#>       name continent
#> 170 Sweden    Europe
#> $`47`
#>            name continent
#> 171 Switzerland    Europe
#> $`48`
#>       name     continent
#> 180 Turkey Europe & Asia
#> $`49`
#>        name continent
#> 183 Ukraine    Europe
#> $`50`
#>               name continent
#> 185 United Kingdom    Europe